Since we have sold the house I decided that I could get my sewing machine back out again. It's been in hiding for too long. I was starting to get the itch to do something, but I couldn't put my finger on what I wanted to do. I would love to go to the fabric store and get a whole bunch of new fabric but I have this huge stash of fabric that I should probably do something with. Very frustrating! What's a girl to do? Then it hit me. I was watching the boys play on the floor and noticed that Jonah's recently patched pants had gotten yet another tear right below the patch.

I almost got upset then thought..."Hey, it will be getting a lot warmer out here and I could turn those ratty pants into some nice looking shorts!" And then I got the idea of turning these shorts into something a bit more special than just plain old shorts. So I let Jonah pick out some fabric (that I had no other use for) with which I would use to put around the bottoms.

Why stop there? I then decided to cut out his hand print using the same fabric and applique it on a plain old t-shirt to make the shorts look like a true outfit. I love how it turned out. He loves it. And it was so easy I think I could do it again, and probably will!