Friday, March 14, 2008

Gee whiz

It's been so long since I've posted anything! And unfortunately it's going to continue for a while...we are trying to put the house together so we can sell it. This means that I haven't touched my sewing machine for a while, or done anything craft related for that matter. It's really hard not doing something. At any rate the house is coming together nicely. Mike added some small pot lights to our bedroom and our closet. I'm so surprised with how large the room feels now that we have lighting in the bedroom! It's awesome. We've also touched up several bathrooms with a fresh coat of paint and we've repainted the trim in the kitchen. We've taken pictures of the house for a flyer and Mike has been on the phone with a few realtors to talk about asking prices. One will be over to size us up on Tuesday. Let's all hope for the best!
I have weighed myself for the past two weeks and nothing has really changed. I'm at a standstill right now. I've got to really buckle down if I want any kind of results!!!
That's about it for now. More will come later!

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